Ways to campaign

Educate yourself and others by doing the online A Voice to Parliament
Have kitchen table conversations. Sign up to Together, YES: a kitchen conversation movement in support of a YES vote. It’s a powerful way in which you can participate. Sign up to be part of the conversation.
Visit Yes23 website to volunteer and for resources to help you campaign
Further campaign activities

Speak with and or write to your Local Council, State and Federal representatives asking how they will advocate for a YES vote. For information about what you might say and to send a letter, visit the The Uluru Dialogue website.
Engage in street actions – hand out information at local markets, shopping centres, local events; ask local businesses or shops to put a supportive sign in their windows; offer to speak at local community organisations such as community, faith groups, local libraries.

Wear a T-shirt to your local club, event or family gathering and start the conversation.
To share ideas, collaborate on ways to campaign and gain support join the Voice from the Heart Alliance monthly Zoom meeting held on the last Monday of each month.
Visit these websites for resources and further information

Voice from the Heart Alliance website and resources

Women’s Reconciliation Network, along with many individuals and organisations were an integral part of initiating and forming the Voice from the Heart Alliance. We continue to work closely with the Alliance and many of our members are also active members of the Alliance.