
Law: The Way of the Ancestors with Professor Marcia Langton and Professor Aaron Corn

Book Launch Thursday, 1 June 2023 5:15pm (for a 6:00pm start) – 7:00pm

GM15, The David P. Derham Theatre Melbourne Law School and Online
Register here

Time for a Treaty – Are We Ready Yet?
Wed 31 May 2023, 12–1.30pm – via Zoom

Speaker Dr Tony McAvoy

Click here for details.

National Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June

National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June – is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. National Reconciliation Week 2023: Be A Voice for Generations.

Click here to learn of the history of NRW and to check out the many events around the country

Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week 2023

From the NSW Department of Education Hi Everyone: Please circulate for 2023 Sorry Day & Reconciliation Week, with Thanks, Kerrie McKenzie.

National Sorry Day: 26 May (annual)

National Sorry Day is held annually on 26 May and marks the day that the landmark ‘Bringing Them Home’ report was tabled in Federal Parliament in 1997. It is a time to remember the past policies of forced child removal and reflect on the sad and painfulstories of the Stolen Generations.

 It is a time to recognise the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the power of saying ‘Sorry’.

National Reconciliation Week: 27 May – 3 June (annual)

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving Reconciliation in Australia. The week runs from 27 May to 3 June.  These two dates commemorate two significant milestones in the Reconciliation Journey:

(a)   the successful 27 May 1967 Referendum  –  Over 90% of Australians voted YES to change the Constitution – thus enabling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to be counted in the national census – and to be subject to Commonwealth laws rather than State laws.

                                       This was the largest ever ‘Yes’ vote in Australian Referendum history.

(b)   the successful 3 June 1992 High Court Mabo Decision  – Mabo Day is held annually on 3 June, commemorating the successful 1992 overturning of the legal concept of ‘terra nullius’ or ‘land belonging to no-one’  … following a 10-year legal case led by activist Eddie Mabo from Mer/Murray Island in the Torres Strait. This recognised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander occupation of Australia – acknowledged their rights to their land and waters – and paved the way for Native Title in Australia.

SEARCH Forum: Voice Equality Peace

Sunday 28 May 2023 at the Teachers Federation in Sydney, to hear from a great line-up of radical activists and thinkers as we discuss how we can work for a successful YES vote in the Voice Referendum and other issues.

10 am – 12 noon: Voice – Building the YES vote for the Voice Referendum
In the morning session, we will hear from our keynote speaker, advocate and author Thomas Mayo on the journey from the Uluru Statement to the Voice Referendum, and then we will hold a workshop with Emily Holm (Yes23 Alliance National Lead Organiser) on the practical ways that members can help win the Referendum. Click here for details of the whole day and to register to attend in person.

BREAKING NEWS – Voice Equality Peace now available via ZoomYou can now register to watch Voice Equality Peace online – join in via Zoom at this link.

An Invitation from the Teachers Federation

NSW Teachers Federation in Sydney on Wednesday 7 June from 6:30pm at the Teachers Federation Auditorium

The MUA has made a documentary, Come Walk With Us that Thomas Mayo has co-produced. The film follows seafarer Vick Morta who explores the MUA’s history of supporting Indigenous peoples as we fight for rights and recognition. She interviews people like Aunty Dulcie Flower, Terry O’Shane, Senator Pat Dodson and Minister Linda Burney.  

We would love for you to join us and also ask that your organisation promote the event. Please find attached the invitation and the registration link is here:

There is also a Facebook event here:

Uluru Statement

In another campaign milestone, today the legislation that allows the referendum to go ahead is back in the Parliament for debate.

This is an important next step towards finally giving the rest of Australia a chance to have their say through a referendum.
We are excited to be out at Uluru this week for the sixth anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and bringing you a special Start a Yarn tomorrow afternoon to mark the occasion.

And we hope you are all gearing up to get loud this Friday, anniversary day!

Don’t forget you can download everything you need here to ensure as many people as possible read and accept the generous invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
So read it, say it, record it, share it!Professor Megan Davis
Co-Chair Uluru DialoguePatricia Anderson AO
Co-Chair Uluru Dialogue

Let’s Get Referendum Ready

Wed 17th May 2023, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm AEST.

Location: Reg Byrne Community Centre Darcy Rd & Fyall Ave, Wentworthville NSW 2145, Australia.

This is your chance to get some clarity on what is really going on with the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and the Referendum, in the midst of a sometimes confusing debate. Bring your hopes and questions and hear the insights and answers through listening to our speakers and sharing with others. For more details about speakers and to register for this free event Click here

Walking Together workshops & training

Giving people from all cultural backgrounds the tools they need to walk with First Nations Australians in unity. Walking Together consists of three core workshops and training programs using the Uluru Statement from the Heart as the framework. Click here to learn more about workshops or to register to attend a workshop[

The Australian Wars now available on SBS on Demand

For further information about this documentary series visit: