Women’s Reconciliation Network / Other Organisations / Government
After referendum Statement
First Nations leaders, community members and organisations who supported Yes have released a ‘Statement for our People and Country’ after observing a week of silence. You can read it here
Recognition through a Voice
The National Indigenous Australians Agency has updated its official website on the proposed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice and the Referendum to be held in late in 2023. To have all your questions answered about guiding principles, the draft Referendum question and constitutional amendment, what the Voice will do, how it will be set up and many other details please CLICK HERE
Constitution alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 – Speech by the Hon Mark Dreyfus, KC. MP. Attorney General.
30/03/23 Media Centre Attorney -General’s Department: The Attorney -General’s second reading of the Bill Speech. This is a powerful speech marking an historic moment in the story of modern Australia. Mark Dreyfus says: ‘The constitutional amendment in this Bill will rectify over 120 years of explicit exclusion in provisions of Australia’s founding legal document. The Constitution never recognised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of this country. They were not represented in the constitutional conventions leading to federation’.
Click here to read the full speech:
‘I’m here to change the country’: Albanese launches an uncompromising Indigenous voice plan
23/03/23 The Guardian: After a flurry of late night meetings with his referendum working group – including a robust exchange of views about the amendment and the question, and furious and inaccurate public speculation about concessions and compromises – the final form of words announced on Thursday has not shifted significantly from the one Albanese announced at the Garma festival in July last year. Click here to read article.
To listen to the Press conference in full go here.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Protection Needed Now
09/11/22 Aboriginal Land Council NSW: The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) has urged all MPs of the current Parliament to leave a lasting legacy and support the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (Culture is Identity) Bill 2022. This follows the handing down yesterday (Tuesday) of an Upper House Inquiry into the Culture is Identity Bill, which found that new, modernised and standalone legislation for the recognition, protection, conservation and preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW was “both necessary and long overdue.”… Click here to read
Diverse Faith groups urge Politicians to ‘work together across political divides’ for Voice Referendum
03/03/23 MNEWS TODAY: The influential alliance of nine national organisations, representing diverse Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish communities, has thrown its collective weight behind the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Their letter builds on the joint resolution released by the group in May last year, which urged bipartisan action on the Voice referendum
To read the letter in full:

Yes! The field campaign is launched!
The campaign now has a new online home where you can access resources and sign up for campaign news and events.
Take action today for Voice Treaty Truth!
24/ 02 23 SEARCH FOUNDATION: Yesterday, the national Yes campaign for a Constitutionally-enshrined Voice to Parliament was officially launched in Adelaide. South Australian SEARCH members were there and participated in the ‘campaign lab’ that preceded the launch to help plan action in coming months.
Read about the different ways that you can take action
38 Mayors across Australia declare support for the Uluru Statement
December 2022: Inner West NSW Gov Media Release: Thirty-eight Mayors from 7 states and territories, have also committed to civic education of their communities about the importance of the referendum. Inner West Mayor, Darcy Byrne, whose Council has recruited 800 citizens to undertake training about the Uluru Statement, said local government has a crucial role to play.
National Cabinet sign Voice Statement of Intent
03/02/23 Voice niaa: The first National Cabinet meeting of the year was held on Friday 3 February 2023. At the meeting, State Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers signed a Statement of Intent to working collaboratively to support a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament. This reaffirmed a commitment made at the June 2022 National Cabinet meeting. Read the Statement here.
Indigenous leaders dismayed at the Federal National party’s premature decision to oppose a Referendum of a constitutionally guaranteed First Nations Voice
05/12/22 As appeared in The Australian: ‘Listen to our Voice- Dont go behind our back’ by Ian Trust
Where you can show your support for the #JusticeforCassius movement across Australia this week
30/10/22 National Indigenous Times: Demands for justice will echo loud across Australia this week in response to the racially-motivated death of 15-year-old Noongar-Yamatji boy Cassius Turvey last Sunday. Cassius’ beating was the latest in a shocking list of deaths of young Indigenous people spurred by racism, and has once again lead to outcry and demands for change across Australia. In response, protests, vigils and celebrations of life have been organised in cities and towns in most states and territories this week to ensure Cassius’ name is never forgotten. To locate list of vigils go to:
Boyer Lectures 2022: Noel Pearson
27/10/22 ABC TV Iview: In this first of a series of four lectures, Indigenous community leader, lawyer, academic and land rights activist Noel Pearson reflects on “Who we were and who we can be”, in his 2022 Boyer Lecture.
The lectures will also be available on ABC radio on Sundays throughout November 2022.
Honouring the lives of Uncle Archie Roach and Aunty Ruby Hunter
27/10/22 Victorian Government: The lives and legacies of Uncle Archie Roach AM and Aunty Ruby Hunter will be celebrated through a new public artwork funded by the Victorian Government’s Creative Activation Fund
Aboriginal languages revitalised in NSW schools
17/10/22 Media Release NSW Education Department: Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said NSW is proudly home to more than 35 Aboriginal Language groups, and more than 100 dialects of those languages. “This is the first major redevelopment of how Aboriginal languages are taught in our schools in 20 years,” Ms Mitchell said. “The new syllabus gives students valuable opportunities to learn the language of their local area and develop an understanding of Aboriginal languages and cultures.
“For the first time students who speak an Aboriginal Language or Torres Strait Islander Language at home will be able to progress the study of that language at school”.
Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTAR) 25th Anniversary Dinner
12/10/22 Ministers Media Centre: The Minister for Aboriginal Australians, the Hon Linda Burney, addressed a dinner gathering at a celebration of the 25 years that ANTaR has been advocating for rights and justice for First Nations peoples. After acknowledging the work of ANTaR supporters around the country the Minister said that she wanted to talk about the referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament in our Constitution. She spoke to three key questions that are vital to ensuring a successful referendum:
One. What is the Voice to Parliament?
Two. Why is it needed?
Three. Why it matters to all Australians?
An invitation to listen: What is the Uluru Statement from the heart by Thomas Mayor
Published by Australian Geographic 29/08/22: Thomas Mayor, ambassador for the Uluru Statement from the Heart and advocate for a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution, invites us all to walk in a spirit of reconciliation with First Nations Australians as they strive for a better and brighter future.
Voice – Treaty – Truth Campaign Update
Message from Thomas Mayor
With acknowledgment and thanks to SEARCH FOUNDATION for production of this video update. For more information on SEARCH Voice Treaty Truth Working group see: https://www.search.org.au/volunteer?splash=1
To listen to update Message from Thomas Mayor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPObzqp9U5w
Noel Pearson to deliver the 2022 ABC Boyer Lectures
13/09/22 ABC: The ABC has announced lawyer, academic, land rights activist and Indigenous community leader Noel Pearson will deliver the 2022 Boyer Lecture series. The four lectures will be broadcast on ABC RN and one on ABC TV later this year.
Indigenous ecological knowledge kept alive through new language exchange: CSIRO
01/09/22 CSIRO: A project celebrating Indigenous scientific knowledge that has added 2,500 native plant and animal names to the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) was launched today at Ngukurr Primary School in South-East Arnhem Land.
Australian War Memorial recognises Indigenous Vietnam veterans: Department Veteran Affairs
17/08/22: Department Veteran Affairs: New research from the Australian War Memorial has identified more than 250 Indigenous men and women who served during the Vietnam War. Researchers say it is important to recognise their sacrifice and service now, especially as Indigenous people faced major barriers to joining the Australian Defence Force at the time.
Prime Minister’s Speech: Address to Garma Festival 30th July 2022
Ngarra ga Buku guru-pan Gumatj, Yothu Yindi nha go Yolgnu mala. (Translation: I pay my respect to Gumatj, Yothu Yindi and Yolngu Mala.] I acknowledge the people of the Yolngu nation. I recognise all the elders, leaders and families who have made great contributions to our nation.
Full transcript https://www.pm.gov.au/media/address-garma-festival
Uluru Statement from the Heart: Sydney Peace Prize winner: free webinar 3rd August 1pm
Join First Nations leaders Pat Anderson AO and Professor Megan Davis for a conversation about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its three objectives: a Voice to Parliament, Treaty, and Truth. Part of Australia Institute TV. In partnership with the Sydney Peace Foundation.
For more information and to register
Water for Rivers Sydney by Mark Merrit media release 28th June 22
The Darling/Baaka river convoy is part of a national public education push to inform all people’s about what is being done to Australia’s rivers, lakes, wetlands and marshes through unsustainable water sharing plans and wild ungoverned water trading practices.
Local & Regional Voice Establishment Group Co-chairs appointed
22/04/22 NIAA Indigenous Voice: Professor Dr Marcia Langton AO and Professor Tom Calma AO have been appointed as co-chairs of the Local & Regional Voice Establishment Group. The Australian Government is working with other levels of government to seek their support for the Local & Regional Voice arrangements. Setting up of the Local & Regional Voice Establishment Group is part of the discussions.
11/03/22 BREAKING NEWS: Kumanjayi Walker’s family and Senior Yuendumu Elders have condemned the not guilty verdict handed down by the jury in the murder trial of police officer Zachary Rolfe today. They say the outcome is the direct result of racism in the court system and have provided a list of demands for sweeping changes to NT policing including a call for increased Aboriginal community control.
First Nations Voice proposal heads to Local Govt Conference
10/02/22 Echo The North Coast’s Independent News: The newly elected independent councillor for Byron Bay , Mark Swivel has proposed thatLocal Government NSW develop an advisory body model for a First Nations Voice to Council for local Indigenous communities based on the vision in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

NSW Aboriginal Land Council welcomes the Premier’s commitment to Aboriginal Affairs
10/02/22. The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) welcomes the NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet’s commitment to make Aboriginal issues a priority for his government.
Its Here! The revamped home of the Uluru Statement!

28/01/22 Indigenous Law Centre UNSW: Dear Friends and Supporters, We are excited to introduce you to the newly revamped official home of the campaign for a First Nations Voice to Parliament protected by the Constitution. Everything you need to know about the Uluru Statement from the Heart is now available in an interactive and authoritative form for all Australians.
Indigenous Voice Co-Design Final Report:
17/12/21: The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP: The Morrison Government has delivered on its commitment to co-design an Indigenous Voice with the release of the Indigenous Voice Co-design Final Report to the Australian Government.
From the Heart welcomes final Co-design report on a Voice to Parliament
17/12/21 From The Heart: From the Heart, the campaign for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament guaranteed by the Constitution, has welcomed the Final Report of the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process announced by Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt.
NSWALC Concern over Government’s Indigenous Voice Proposal
17/12/21: The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) urges caution over the Federal Government’s proposal to move ahead with an Indigenous Voice that is inconsistent with the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The proposal will create confusion and division within community, and again government sets down what they think is best for Aboriginal people by creating structures that divide and conquer.
Australian South Sea Islanders (Port Jackson) support historical analysis that deemed notorious Blackbirder Benjamin Boyd’s name be removed from the Ben Boyd National Park announced by NSW Government
15/11/21 Emelda Davis: Australian South Sea Islanders (Port Jackson) support historical analysis that deemed notorious Blackbirder Benjamin Boyd’s name be removed from the Ben Boyd National Park announced by NSW Government.